PREFACE to the three volumes of Planning Techniques and Institutions
This publication encompasses – after more than ten years – the papers presented, as had been requested, to the First World-Wide Conference on Planning Science held in Palermo in September 1992 .
To find out more about the Conference and its aims as well as its course, its participants and its results, those interested can consult the informative writings included in the Post-Conference Note as published on the web page of the Planning Studies Centre, promoter and organizer of the Conference.
Here it should be sufficient to assert that this Conference has been one of the rare (if not unique) attempts to create a multidisciplinary approach to planning, intended at every spatial scale (local, urban, regional, national, inter- or trans-national and also global) and, at the same time, also at multi-sectorial scale (economic, social, environmental – with all their substantive sectors of analysis and planning) as well as at institutional scale (societal, but also governmental, corporate, non-profit, etc.). Even a very dense academic field like the “Schools of Planning” (and its international Associations) is essentially unbalanced in terms of urban and regional (and physical) planning due to the prevalence of various orientations and membership of various types of background professional studies.
The conference was aimed at the exploration of a methodological dialogue of different approaches (physical planning, economics, sociology, political science, operational research and so on) suitable to create a true, common, unified, integrated and comprehensive approach to planning, originated from the participation of real, eminent representatives of largely separated disciplines.
The papers presented have not yet been published – apart from those that were individually presented in some journals, in original English and with an Italian translation (written by the Italian Journal “Prometheus”).
The Planning Studies Centre waited to propose a new edition of the papers to a specialised publisher, but the initiative for a publication has met more and more obstacles given time (and given the financial crisis of the Centre, because of which D'Altronde has blocked any follow-ups of the Conference in many forms: networking, new meetings, or the forecast Academy as recorded in the cited writings on the Conference itself).
More recently, the Centre has decided to publish the papers as presented at the conference in their original paper format, in a limited number of copies and without overhead costs, only for the possible use of laypeople and in order not to waste an asset of works which still have their value and topicality.
Thus, this edition in three volumes, corresponding to the general theme to which the three days of the Conference were dedicated, bears the main title of the Conference itself: Planning techniques and Planning Institutions and the themes/ titles of the three individual days/volumes:
Volume 1: Global and Multinational Insights
Volume 2: Methodological Insights
Volume 3: Institutional Insights
Franco Archibugi
[more information on conference]
Planning Technologies and Institutions: 1992 International Conference on Planning Science held in Palermo, Sicily
Volume One: Global and Multinational Insights
1. Bruno Amoroso, Planning Theories, Technologies and Institutions in a Context of Globalization and Polycentric Economic Systems 1-18
2. Sergei Artobolevskiy, Regional Policy in Present Russia: The New Role of the State 19-30
3. Sergio Boisier, Regional Management in the New International Order: Quasi-States and Quasi-Firms 31-90
4. Marios Camhis, Perspectives of the Development of the European Community’s Territory: The Operation “Europe 2000” 91-108
5. Mario Centorrino e Guido Signorino, An Instrument for Optimal Foreign Trade Policies: The Trade-Gap Analysis 109-150
6. Harald Hagemann, On Some Macroeconomic Consequences of German Unification 151-172
7. Yasuo Katumura, Economic Planning in a Market Economy, the Japanese Experience in the Economic Planning and its International Implications 173-206
8. Vladimir Kollontai, Some Specific of Economic Reform in Russia 207-218
9. Antoni Kuklinski, The Future of Strategic Planning in Central and Eastern Europe 219-234
10. Wassily Leontief, World Environment Planning: What to do and How to do it 235-240
11. Barnett R. Parker, Ensuring a Responsive Health Care Planning Function in Emerging Regions of the World 241-278
12. Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo, Trade Patterns, Cooperation and Growth 279-384
13. Jacek Szlachta, Dilemmas of National and Regional Planning During Transformation to the Market Economy (Case Study Poland) 385-392
14. Jan Tinbergen, Is .07 % Development Assistance Enough? 393-396
Volume Two: Methodological Insights
1. Louise Albrechts, Dilemmas in Planning: What is, and What Ought to be 1-16
2. Franco Archibugi, Towards a New Discipline of Planning 17-46
3. Yehezkel Dror, Planning in the 21st Century 47-66
4. William N. Dunn, The Discovery of Bounded Ignorance: Some Tests for Type III Errors 67-122
5. Andreas Faludi, Dutch Planning Doctrine: The Social Construction of a Planner’s Paradise 123-140
6. John Forester, Perception, Political Judgement, and Learning About Value in Transport Planning: Bridging Habermas and Aristotle 141-168
7. Karl A. Fox, Describing and Measuring Socio-economic Systems: Prerequisites to Planning 169-206
8. John Friedmann, Educating the Next Generation of Planners 207-222
9. Robert Scott Gassler, Nonprofit Economics and Planning Science 223-240
10. Nathaniel Lichfield, Planning and the Environment: Institutions for Sustainable Development 241-266
11. Luigi Mazza, An Exercise in Reconstructing a Planning Tool, Second Thoughts on Italian Land-Use Planning 267-290
12. Alex Michalos, What Every Planner Should Know About Measuring the Quality of Life 291-312
13. Jonothan A. Morell, Integrating Technological Change into Planning: The Case for an Interdisciplinary Perspective 313-326
14. Jean H. P. Paelinck, Operational Modelling for Spatial Development Planning 327-336
15. Stanislav Pirogov, Nature of Planning Systems and Contradictions of Their Practical Use 337-342
16. Igancy Sachs, What State? What Markets for What Development? The Social Ecological and Economical Dimensions of Planning 343-354
17. Gustav Schachter, Multiregional Input-Output Systems for Socio-economic Planning 355-378
Volume Three: Institutional Insights
1. Ernest R. Alexander, The Architecture of Institutional Design: Interorganizational Coordinative Structures 1-18
2. Judith Allen, Imagine That! The Effects of the 1988 Housing Act on British Housing Associations 19-38
3. Howell S. Baum, Community and Consensus: Reality and Fantasy in Planning 39-86
4. Robert A. Beauregard, Institutional Constraints and Subnational Planning: Economic Development in the U.S. 87-108
5. Giuliano Bianchi, Regional Planning: Requiem or Renaissance? Methodological Hints About Two Empirical Experiences of Regional Planning in Italy: Sicily and Tuscany 109-136
6. Richard S. Bolan, Institutional Design for Planning: Lessons from Central and Eastern Europe 137-172
7. Hector Correa, An Approach to the Operational Integration of the Technical and Political Aspects of Planning 173-204
8. Patsy Healy, In Search of Democracy; New Ways of Using Old Tools; The Form and Content of Development Plans 205-228
9. Stuart Holland, Planning and the Mixed Economy 229-258
10. Summer Levine, Thoughts on the Planning of Technological Development
11. Dalia Lichfield, Effect of Land Use Zoning on Planning Technology: A Comparison in Four Countries 271-292
12. Seymour J. Mandelbaum, Communitarian Sensibilities and the Design of the Communities 293-310
13. Peter Nijkamp and Tineke Fokkema, The Changing Role of Governments: The End of Planning History? 311-328
14. Efim Nisevich, Some Theoretical and Practical Problems of Planning Institutions Redesign in the Russian Federation 329-336
15. Giorgio Piccinato, Reconsidering Planning for Historic Centres 337-348