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Among the educational activities developed by the Planning Studies Centre in the course of the years, the following didactic programmes are mentioned which correspond to precise educational products which the Centre has studied attentively and in connection with the didactic result to be obtained (related to the statutory aims, i.e. the progress of integrated planning in the public field). These educational programmes have only been implemented once, in an experimental fashion, but are susceptible to further repetitions if circumstances permit or request it.

  School for Specialisation (Master) in Strategic Programming and Evaluation in the Public Field (annual issue)

The Centre has studied an educational post-graduate programme (Master) for the formation of experts in strategic programming and evaluation in the public field dedicated to no more than 20 participants, very accurately selected through competition (see Master Syllabus (only in Italian)). It is the matter of 1000 hours of study roughly divided into: 300 hours of seminars in the classroom; 400 hours of individual guided study at home; 300 hours of oriented internship in a public agency with the task of designing a system of strategic programming in the specific field. To know more about this, see the Programme (only in Italian). The Master leads to a diploma of “Strategic Programmer in the Public Administration”; it would be on annual term (by academic year) and its articulation on the calendar could be adaptable to different circumstances.

- See the goals of the Master (only in Italian)
- See the didactic characteristics of the Master (only in Italian)

The Centre has developed the first programme in the academic year 2003-2004 in cooperation with Formambiente (a consortium of agencies activated by Formez, which operates in the field of the environmental policy), and it has produced 13 diplomas.

-For more news on the implementation of the first Master (2003-2004) click here (only in Italian).
-For photos of the group of students during the Master of 2003-2004, click here.
-For photos of the graduation ceremony of the academic year 2003-2004, click here.
-For information on the programme of the Master for the academic year 2004-2005, click here (only in Italian).

   Summer seminar-course on the theme: “Development and conservation strategies for very large cities

The seminar-course has been promoted for the first time in 1995 from the 1 st to the 3 rd June (in cooperation with the Departments of Urban and Regional Planning of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles). It has been dedicated to the post-graduates of the two universities and accredited in the respective programmes. Click here to know the Course Syllabus.
The seminar-course is founded on a text by Prof. Archibugi, the director of the Centre (published in English by Routledge), on a new planning strategy for the urban system of Rome. In the course it is possible to face other strategic problems compared with other metropolitan cities in the world.
The university institutions, which could be interested in activating such a seminar-course in Rome, at the post-graduate stage of their students of the respective programmes, should address them to get in touch with the Planning Studies Centre's secretariat ( ).

   Seminar-course: “Introduction to Planning Science”

The Centre has promoted una-tantum in 1992 (April and May) in cooperation with the (Italian) National Research Council (CNR) and its Institute on the Research and Scientific Documentation (IRDS) a seminar-course of 24 sessions of 2 hours each (twice a week), called “ Introduction to Planning Science ” (or Planology). The course is dedicated to post-graduates of different origins, oriented at the creation of a rapid consciousness, on behalf of scholars of different disciplines, about the modern approaches to planning (in an unspecialised way); and it aims to constitute – in no more than two months – a cultural background adapted to further deepening integrated by an operational character (see Syllabus).
The Centre has the purpose to repeat the seminar-course as far as an opportunity or request or means are offered by universities and interested educational units. For any possible requests contact the Planning Studies Centre at . This seminar-course could be developed differently for international participants using the English language, or only Italian participants using, of course, the Italian language.

   Individual post-graduate programme of studies in Planning Science

This is an Individual Programme of Studies (IPS), based on an internship at the Planning Studies Centre, Rome, of at least one year, which is configured as a PHD in Planning Science (or Planology). It is the matter of a full-time engagement at the Centre founded on a pre-defined and agreed programme of adequate studies and readings, built ad hoc for every participant and based on readings guided by the staff of the Centre, concluded by a short dissertation. The programme also includes some participation possibly in the researches of the Centre if they conform to the agreed and pre-defined programme (to see the management criteria and the regulations of the individual programme, click here ).

   Individual study Programme (ISP) and related regulations.

The Individual Study Programme (ISP) consists of study and research activities, carried out individually by each single 'Reseacher' under the guidance of a 'Supervisor', appointed by the School's Director on the basis of the ISP agreed upon between the participant and the Didactic Commission. The activities are carried out within one (or more) of the study sectors defined by the Didactic commission as being pertinent to the field of Planning Science. The Researcher will make use of the wealth of experience, activities, and documentation of the Planning Studies Centre, as well as those of other research and planning institutions selected for the purpose. read more.


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